It's not encyclopedic, but it is quite comprehensive, with an emphasis on current information relevant to clinical practice. Color-coding helps with navigation of sections on genetics and ocular embryology, optics and refraction, refractive surgery, the lens, cornea and external disease, strabismus, orbit and oculoplastics, retina and vitreous, intraocular tumors, uveitis and other inflammations, neuro-ophthalmology, and glaucoma. New coverage includes chapters on LASIK, LASEK, and LTK, as well as coverage of electronic vision and wavefront testing, tumors of the conjunctiva and cornea, nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery, and aberrations of the eye. Illustrated in color throughout. Editor Yanoff is affiliated with Drexel University College of Medicine; Duker, with Tufts-New England Medical Center.
NO PGLN : WW 100 OPH 2004
NO ID : 003688
ISBN : 9780323016346