This text is very concise compared with Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. Both are excellent, but this "smaller" book actually has everything you need for the general pathology part of the written AP boards. I am specifically referring to chapters 1-9 with 10 and 11. It needs to be read with near total comprehension, but the color graphics are excellent aids. All other systemic pathology topics should be covered in a surgical pathology text, of course.
NO PGLN : QZ 4 KUM 1992
NO ID : 003642H
ISBN : 0721637329
Senarai buku-buku dalam koleksi Perpustakaan Perubatan HSAJB yang diperolehi melalui pembelian atau pun sumbangan dan hadiah dari orang perseorangan atau pun agensi kerajaan dan bukan kerajaan
Mastery of vascular and endovascular surgery

This new addition to the acclaimed Mastery of Surgery series guides readers step by step through all vascular surgical procedures, both open and endovascular. In the tradition of the series, this text/atlas is written by the world's master surgeons and richly illustrated throughout with detailed drawings, photographs, and imaging scans. Coverage of each procedure begins with indications, contraindications, preoperative preparation, anatomy, and patient management, followed by step-by-step descriptions of operative technique and pitfalls. For diseases in which open and endovascular approaches are used for different indications, both approaches are presented with discussions of when and why each is preferable. Each chapter ends with an editor's comment.
NO PGLN : WG 170 MAS 2006
NO ID : 003641
ISBN : 0781753317
NO ID : 003641
ISBN : 0781753317
Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Make optimal use of the latest diagnostic and interventional ultrasound applications in your practice! This new edition of the world's best-selling reference on obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound guides you through all of the newest ultrasound technologies, enabling you to diagnose problems accurately. The entire book has been radically updated by many new contributors to reflect all of the most recent advances, including greatly expanded information on 3-D ultrasound and the latest generation of ultrasound scanners, as well as significantly increased discussions of gynecologic ultrasound. What's more, over 2,400 digital-quality images - 1,050 in full color - capture the characteristic appearance of a full range of ultrasound findings, and a new full-color format makes reference easier than ever. The result is an essential purchase for everyone who uses ultrasound for fetal and gynecologic diagnosis and treatment.
Get dependable guidance on any clinical issue or challenge by consulting the world's most popular, trusted reference on ob/gyn ultrasound!
Obtain optimal results by applying the masterful expertise of world-renowned authority Peter W. Callen, MD, as well as a care of other top specialists on the diagnostic and interventional applications of ultrasound.
Get dependable guidance on any clinical issue or challenge by consulting the world's most popular, trusted reference on ob/gyn ultrasound!
Obtain optimal results by applying the masterful expertise of world-renowned authority Peter W. Callen, MD, as well as a care of other top specialists on the diagnostic and interventional applications of ultrasound.
NO PGLN : WQ 100 ULT 2008
NO ID : 003640
ISBN : 1416032649
NO ID : 003640
ISBN : 1416032649
Essentials of nuclear medicine imaging

Through four editions, this resource has established itself as the best introduction to nuclear imaging techniques. It is practical, yet comprehensive, covering physics, instrumentation, quality control, and legal requirements. The 5th Edition features a new color format, with many user-friendly features such as "Pearls and Pitfalls." More than 600 pictures in digital-quality resolution depict imaging of each body system. A series of Unknown Case Sets, with answers, help test your knowledge.
Includes helpful appendices including Injection Techniques, Pediatric Dosages, Non-radioactive Pharmaceuticals, and many more.
Presents important "Pearls and Pitfalls" in each chapter.
Features a new full-color format making information easy to read and find.
Covers new techniques such as PET/CT, cardiac-gated SPECT, and tumor-specific radionuclides.
Provides full-chapter coverage of hot topics such as Cerebrovascular System · Cardiovascular System · Conventional Neoplasm Imaging and Radioimmunotherapy · and Positron Emission Tomography Imaging.
Includes seven complete Unknown Case Sets for self-testing.
Includes helpful appendices including Injection Techniques, Pediatric Dosages, Non-radioactive Pharmaceuticals, and many more.
Presents important "Pearls and Pitfalls" in each chapter.
Features a new full-color format making information easy to read and find.
Covers new techniques such as PET/CT, cardiac-gated SPECT, and tumor-specific radionuclides.
Provides full-chapter coverage of hot topics such as Cerebrovascular System · Cardiovascular System · Conventional Neoplasm Imaging and Radioimmunotherapy · and Positron Emission Tomography Imaging.
Includes seven complete Unknown Case Sets for self-testing.
NO PGLN : WN 445 MET 2006
NO ID : 003639
ISBN : 0721602010

Cancer and its management is ideal for all those concerned with he management of cancer:
Surgical, clinical and medical oncologists ? both consultants and trainees
Nursing staff with an interest in cancer
Surgical, clinical and medical oncologists ? both consultants and trainees
Nursing staff with an interest in cancer
General practitioners, and medical, nursing and pharmacy students
"This book is exactly what was needed. All in all, this book is destined to become a classic." The Lancet
"This book is exactly what was needed. All in all, this book is destined to become a classic." The Lancet
"......should be compulsory reading for all would-be cancer specialists. The authors' discussion of controversial excellent." British Medical Journal
?This is, without exaggeration, the book when it comes to Cancer. ... All in all, the Cancer Bible.?Microscope (NottinghamUniversityMedicalSchool Gazette)
NO PGLN : QZ 200 SOU 2005
NO ID : 003638
ISBN : 1405126361
NO ID : 003638
ISBN : 1405126361
Trauma: Contemporary Principles and Therapy

NO PGLN : WO 700 TRA 2008
NO ID : 003637
ISBN : 0781756502
Atlas of pelvic surgery
This surgical atlas contains 10 chapters containing systematic, step-by-step descriptions of a broad array of pelvic surgery techniques. This is the third edition; the second was published in 1988. The purpose is to present a general guide to procedures of continual use in pelvic surgery. This is a needed update that meets the author's objective. This book is written for practicing pelvic surgeons. Given the clean, simple illustrations, it would be useful for anyone wanting to learn about these operations. The author is credible in this subject matter. The quality and extent of the operative illustrations are superb. No references are provided. The clarity of the illustrations and accompanying text improve further on the operations presented in the second edition. A new section on control of hemorrhage should be required reading for all gynecology residents. I think this book should be in every medical library and readily available to students, residents, fellows, and practicing physicians. The new edition has sufficient changes from the previous edition to justify purchase of the current edition.
NO PGLN : WP 17 WHE 1981
NO ID : 001269
ISBN : 0812107276
HARGA : RM168.75
NO PGLN : WP 17 WHE 1981
NO ID : 001269
ISBN : 0812107276
HARGA : RM168.75
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